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I'm on a mission to do as many cool outside woodland type autumn shots as I can before the trees lose their autumn colours. So I put a post up on Sunday asking if any models wanted to do a shoot on Monday. The first person to answer was my scary looking model/actor friend Mark Ryder. He lives next to Epping forest, so armed with some swords, camera gear, a monks robe and my helper monkey for the day Darrin Stripe, we ventured deep into the heart of Epping forest.

I've been neglecting my 50mm f1.8 lens recently, so I decided to just use that and see what i could come up with.

I had two flashes to play with courtesy of Mr Stripe. So I put one on the floor as a backlight and one to the side.

Took the one above with my magical 135mm f2.8 lens.

I like the way the background looks like one of those painted sets from an old movie.

Epping forest is a cool location. I shall be venturing back there at some point to create something mighty. All in all it was a sucessful shoot though. Hats off to Mark for being an awesome monk.

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